Don’t Skip Sports Because of Scoliosis

Back pain caused by scoliosis

According to the American Chiropractic Association, up to 7 million individuals in the country have scoliosis. This condition takes place when your spine abnormally curves to the side. The spine is the primary support of our body posture.

The spine of people who have scoliosis becomes shapes like an “S” or a “C.” This abnormal curvature brings back pain and may also impact the functions of the heart or the lungs. Treating scoliosis pain addresses the well-being of patients with scoliosis.

Will Sports Exacerbate Scoliosis Symptoms?

While you may think to engage in sports when you are suffering from scoliosis pain is counter-intuitive, that couldn’t be further from the truth. There are some physical activities that you may want to avoid if you have scoliosis. However, that doesn’t mean you are incapable of enjoying many of them.

Since many sports, exercises, and other physical activities require constant involvement of body movements, as long as we are careful about doing activities that stress the spine, scoliosis patients can still enjoy them.

In fact, many exercises can be significantly beneficial. Experts recommend low-impact yet short-term and high-intensity workouts that don’t put too much tension on the spine.

In today’s post, we’ll discuss some sports, exercises, and stretches for all ages do that won’t contribute to scoliosis pain – and may also alleviate it.


Doing stretches eases tension. It also helps regain motion – which is essential for scoliosis. Some scoliosis patients even have reported that doing frequent stretches helped counteract the curvature f their spine.

Stretching can help with scoliosis

However, keep in mind that not scoliosis patient can benefit from stretching alone. It’s best to consult with your doctor or healthcare specialist before you engage in any physical activity. This will ensure that you know how much it will impact your existing condition.


Aside from being an excellent cardiovascular workout, cycling is a low-impact physical activity that won’t aggravate your scoliosis pain. You must, however, be aware of your posture when cycling. Since you’re sitting down, you tend to slouch. Always keep your head aligned with your shoulders and your back straight.


This type of sport significantly strengthens your core muscles. Stronger core muscles help preserve the standard curve of the spine.


Swimming is one of the ideal exercises for people with scoliosis. Since it takes place in the water, a weightless environment, you don’t experience the usual disturbance as with other physical activities; it won’t put any tension or stress on your spine – while strengthening it.

Being in the water offers resistance, which can aid in building your muscles, improving flexibility, and developing endurance. The muscles you use while swimming also maintains balance.

Swimming can help with scoliosis

With swimming, the cool water can release your tension and relieve stress while improving your body tissues’ circulation.

However, if you’re suffering from scoliosis pain, don’t get into competitive swimming. Only do low-impact water exercises. Also, since scoliosis affects the functions of the lungs, you may have reduced breathing abilities, so it’s best to check with your doctor if swimming may present certain difficulties.

Strength Training

Lifting may seem dangerous to someone with scoliosis. However, if you have patience and the right form, lifting and strength training may be highly beneficial.

Stronger muscles mean they are more capable of supporting the spine. Before you can build strength, you must gradually increase your weight. This is crucial so the added strength won’t bring any stress to your spine. Lesser reps are also advisable. Consult with a professional dietician for proper diet plans that meet your condition and goals.

Scoliosis patients should look into the following strength training exercises: bent-over raises, back extensions, upright rows. These workouts improve posture while strengthening the spine. As always, check with your doctor first.

Keep in Mind

Playing actual sports doesn’t cause scoliosis. However, the high-impact and repetitive activities involved in sports can worsen your scoliosis pain. For instance, many physical activities should be fine to engage in but must be avoided at a competitive level. This is because of the intensive training and repetition involved with competitive sports.

Final Words

With scoliosis, there are certain sports and physical activities that should be restrained or avoided altogether. However, allowing yourself to engage in sports and physical activities can play an essential role in successfully treating your condition.